Table of Contents | What's a Reef Ball? | Grant Program | Corporate Sponsorships | In The News
Gallery | Educational Resources | Marine Reserves | Why Reefs Die | Buy a Model


RBF Home Page
Table of Contents
What is a Reef Ball?
Grant Program & Application
Marine Reserves
Corporate Sponsorships
1998 RBF Awards
Photo Galleries
Coral Degradation

Kirbo Memorial Reef
Reef Ball Placement Process
Project Plan Outline

  1. Site Pre-development Survey
    (at permitted Site Bunny's Web)

    1. Jacksonville Offshore Fishing Club to determine Benchmark coordinates based on Placement Plan dimensions, existing material/placements and Permit parameters
    2. Jacksonville Reef Research Team (RIM, Jacksonville Offshore Sport Fishing Club and Reef Ball Development Group to agree on Reef Ball Placement Plan
    3. Jacksonville RRT to do pre-deployment survey to include:
      1. Bottom sample
      2. Circular Survey (300 feet)
      3. Bottom hardness sample
      4. Photographs of invertebrate (or list and record)
      5. Water Quality/Visibility
      6. Set initial Benchmark for central "cluster"
      7. Relative Abundance Fish Counting Survey (at least 4 surveys)

  2. Site Marking (Pre-deployment)

    1. Jacksonville RRT to Map out clusters offshore:

      1. Will use "numbered" jugs with 301b weights to set and/or benchmark center for each of 17 clusters
      2. Measurement/Distances will be verified at bottom and at surface.
      3. Equal lengths of anchor line will be used for each benchmark (at center point) for each cluster.

  3. Site Placement

    1. Final placement plan reviewed by Reef Innovations and Jacksonville Offshore Fishing Club (balls may be greater than this based on additional volunteer work)
    2. Ultra Ball, Pallet Ball, Bay Balls and Lo-Pro Balls to be lowered by cranes in groups of four (4). All Balls will be tagged for future research purposes
    3. Oyster Balls and Mini Balls to be lowered and placed by Divers
    4. Jugs removed after post deployment survey is made

  4. Post Deployment Survey

    1. Jacksonville RRT to create post deployment map (of entire area) and photograph and record (with ID number) each of the 17 clusters
    2. Jacksonville RRT to complete Relative Abundance Fish Survey method within 30 days of deployment and photograph invertebrates (or list and record). Creating a "baseline" for future research studies.

CHK Memorial Reef
Project Outline
Charles H Kirbo Bio
Corporate Sponsors
Support Partners
Press Release
Photo Gallery

Table of Contents | What's a Reef Ball? | Grant Program | Corporate Sponsorships | In The News
Gallery | Educational Resources | Marine Reserves | Why Reefs Die | Buy a Model

RBDG Need more information? Contact us:
Reef Ball Foundation
890 Hill Street
Athens, GA 30606 USA
Phone: 770-752-0202
Fax: 770-360-1328

Reef Ball Eternal Reefs

Reef Ball Coalition

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