Odjob 30 Second Mess Free Mixer

 Reef Ball includes a FREE Odjob mixer for any project using Lo-Pro or Oyster Ball Mold systems!
Odjob Mixer Image

The system has a built in measuring cup for the right amount of water every time.  O-ring seals insure a mess free operation.  Just add one bag of concrete to the system and roll it around with your foot for 30 seconds for a perfect concrete mix.

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Copyright ©1995, 1996, 1997, RBDG, Ltd. All rights reserved. See brochure page footer for information on patents, copyrights, trademarks and service marks referenced, but not indicated, on this page. Odjob is manufactured in Canada under license to ODJOB International Limited by Scepter.  World Patent Rights Pending.  ODJOB is a trademark of Odjob International Limited.